R and Python together : Finding Outliers

Roy Shpringer's DS place

Brazil politicians' expenses - who are the ouliers?

The data that I've used here was published in Kaggle;

It is based on public data , collected from the official government website:


The data describes the receipts (or expenses) of 1188 brazillian politicians from (mainly) 2013-2017

%load_ext rpy2.ipython
bugged_date receipt_date deputy_id political_party state_code deputy_name receipt_social_security_number receipt_description establishment_name receipt_value
0 0 2013-03-27 00:00:00 1772 PSB SP Abelardo Camarinha 3.530749e+12 Fuels and lubricants. AUTO POSTO 314 NORTE LTDA 70
1 0 2013-07-24 00:00:00 1772 PSB SP Abelardo Camarinha 8.202116e+12 Fuels and lubricants. AUTO POSTO AEROPORTO LTDA 104
2 0 2013-02-17 00:00:00 1772 PSB SP Abelardo Camarinha 8.202116e+12 Fuels and lubricants. AUTO POSTO AEROPORTO LTDA 100

in order to find outliers we must pivot the data so "receipt_description" will become our columns and an aggregated form of "receipt_value" will become the values in the rows.

thus each row consists of each politicians numerous expenses

# these is a patch that changes R's plot sizes manually/ there is no other way doing this wahen calling R in a python kernel

default_units = 'in' # inch, to make it more easily comparable to matpplotlib
default_res = 150 # dpi, same as default in matplotlib
default_width = 14
default_height = 14
# try monkey-patching a function in rpy2, so we effectively get these
# default settings for the width, height, and units arguments of the %R magic command
import rpy2
old_setup_graphics = rpy2.ipython.rmagic.RMagics.setup_graphics

def new_setup_graphics(self, args):
    if getattr(args, 'units') is not None:
        if args.units != default_units: # a different units argument was passed, do not apply defaults
            return old_setup_graphics(self, args)
    args.units = default_units
    if getattr(args, 'res') is None:
        args.res = default_res
    if getattr(args, 'width') is None:
        args.width = default_width
    if getattr(args, 'height') is None:
        args.height = default_height        
    return old_setup_graphics(self, args)

rpy2.ipython.rmagic.RMagics.setup_graphics = new_setup_graphics

Python - outliers detction using PCA and PCA inverse

large PCA inverse to PCA difference suggests this is an outlier (table in the end of cell)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

df= pd.read_csv(r'/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/deputies_dataset.csv')  

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)

agg= df.groupby(['receipt_description'])['receipt_value'].agg(mean= 'mean', med='median', std='std')

agg['rsd']= 100*(agg['std']/agg['mean'])

fule= df[df['receipt_description'] == 'Fuels and lubricants.'][['deputy_name','receipt_value']].set_index('deputy_name')

small_df= df[['deputy_name','receipt_description','receipt_value']]

df_t= df.groupby(['deputy_name','receipt_description','receipt_value'])['receipt_value'].mean()

#DataFrame.pivot(index=None, columns=None, values=None)

df_t= small_df.pivot(columns='receipt_description', values='receipt_value').set_index(small_df.deputy_name)

scaler= MinMaxScaler()

scaled_fule=  pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(df_t), columns=df_t.columns).set_index(small_df.deputy_name)

df_new= scaled_fule.stack().reset_index()

df_new.columns= ['deputy_name', 'receipt_description','receipt_value']

df_new_piv= df_new.groupby(['deputy_name', 'receipt_description'])['receipt_value'].max().unstack().fillna(0)


pca= PCA(8)

df_pca= pd.DataFrame(pca.fit_transform(df_new_piv)).set_index(df_new_piv.index)


#df_pca.columns= ['x','y']

#df_pca= df_pca.sort_values(by='x', ascending=False).head(10)

#sns.scatterplot(data=df_pca, x='x', y='y', hue=df_pca.index)

df_after_inverse= pca.inverse_transform(df_pca)

pca_outliers= abs(df_after_inverse- df_new_piv).mean(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False)

Silas Câmara 0.142052
Sabino Castelo Branco 0.133315
Liderança Do Psdb 0.124217
Marllos Sampaio 0.116744
Joaquim Passarinho 0.111989
... ...
Carlos Wilson 0.004759
Cida Diogo 0.004132
Fredo Junior 0.003910
Reguffe 0.003385
Rodovalho 0.003206

1187 rows × 1 columns

R programming - outliers - using Isolation Forest

from google.colab import drive
Drive already mounted at /content/drive; to attempt to forcibly remount, call drive.mount("/content/drive", force_remount=True).
df<- read.csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/deputies_dataset.csv')  




pol_aggs <- df %>% group_by(deputy_name, receipt_description) %>% summarize(sum= sum(receipt_value), count= n())

df_m <- merge(df, pol_aggs, by=c('deputy_name', 'receipt_description'))


df_agg<- df %>% group_by (deputy_name,receipt_description) %>% summarise(sum_rec = sum(receipt_value), coun_rec =n(), sum_to_count= sum(receipt_value)/n())

R[write to console]: 
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

'data.frame':	3014902 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ bugged_date                   : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ receipt_date                  : chr  "2013-03-27 00:00:00" "2013-07-24 00:00:00" "2013-02-17 00:00:00" "2013-03-15 00:00:00" ...
 $ deputy_id                     : int  1772 1772 1772 1772 1772 1772 1772 1772 1772 1772 ...
 $ political_party               : chr  "PSB" "PSB" "PSB" "PSB" ...
 $ state_code                    : chr  "SP" "SP" "SP" "SP" ...
 $ deputy_name                   : chr  "Abelardo Camarinha" "Abelardo Camarinha" "Abelardo Camarinha" "Abelardo Camarinha" ...
 $ receipt_social_security_number: num  3.53e+12 8.20e+12 8.20e+12 8.20e+12 8.20e+12 ...
 $ receipt_description           : chr  "Fuels and lubricants." "Fuels and lubricants." "Fuels and lubricants." "Fuels and lubricants." ...
 $ receipt_value                 : int  70 104 100 100 77 131 2840 2517 2509 2720 ...
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'deputy_name'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'deputy_name'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 14,265 × 5
# Groups:   deputy_name [1,187]
   deputy_name       receipt_description           sum_rec coun_rec sum_to_count
   <chr>             <chr>                           <int>    <int>        <dbl>
 1 Abel Mesquita Jr. Airline tickets                430234      793        543. 
 2 Abel Mesquita Jr. Consultancies, Researches an…  287000       12      23917. 
 3 Abel Mesquita Jr. Dissemination of the Parliam…  335400       14      23957. 
 4 Abel Mesquita Jr. Food and Meals                    246        3         82  
 5 Abel Mesquita Jr. Fuels and lubricants.          112231      171        656. 
 6 Abel Mesquita Jr. Leasing or Chartering of Boa…    9500        1       9500  
 7 Abel Mesquita Jr. Maintenance of Office            2451       16        153. 
 8 Abel Mesquita Jr. Postal Services                  1127       18         62.6
 9 Abel Mesquita Jr. Rental or Chartering of Moto…  198925       23       8649. 
10 Abel Mesquita Jr. Security Service Provided By…  221000       26       8500  
# … with 14,255 more rows

Using isolation forest

to find outliers in :

pred1 : sum of receipts

pred2 : count of receipts

pred3 (most important one) : average value of a receipt

the plot in the end is sum vs count, when size is the avg, so dots high or right with large size are the the one to look for

#install.packages ("ggforce")  # for circle

df_piv <- spread(df_agg[,-4:-5],  receipt_description, sum_rec)
df_piv2 <- spread(df_agg[,c(-3,-5)],  receipt_description,  coun_rec)
df_piv3 <- spread(df_agg[,c(-3,-4)],  receipt_description,  sum_to_count) # mean

# fill na : 

df_piv[is.na(df_piv)] <- 0
df_piv2[is.na(df_piv2)] <- 0
df_piv3[is.na(df_piv3)] <- 0

# train : 

iso <- isolation.forest(df_piv, ntrees = 10, nthreads = 1)
iso2 <- isolation.forest(df_piv2, ntrees = 10, nthreads = 1)
iso3 <- isolation.forest(df_piv3, ntrees = 10, nthreads = 1)

# predict :

pred <- predict(iso, df_piv)
pred2 <- predict(iso2, df_piv2)
pred3 <- predict(iso3, df_piv3)

preds_table <- data.frame(dep= df_piv$deputy_name, pred)
preds_table2 <- data.frame(dep= df_piv$deputy_name, pred2)
preds_table3 <- data.frame(dep= df_piv$deputy_name, pred3)

joined_table <- merge(preds_table, preds_table2 , by='dep') 

joined_table <- merge(joined_table, preds_table3, by= 'dep' )

slice(arrange(joined_table,desc(pred3)), 1:10)

options(repr.plot.width = 15, repr.plot.height = 15)

pl<- ggplot(joined_table , aes(x=pred,y=pred2)) + geom_point (aes(size=pred3)) +
   geom_text(aes(label=dep ),nudge_y = +0.005 ,data= slice(arrange(joined_table,desc(pred3)), 1:35))+
   geom_circle(aes(x0 = 0.56, y0 = 0.36, r = 0.062), color='red',inherit.aes = FALSE)


agg_gen<- df %>% group_by (deputy_name) %>% summarise(mean_rec= mean(receipt_value)) %>% arrange(desc(mean_rec))
agg_gen2<- df %>% group_by (receipt_description) %>% summarise(mean_rec= mean(receipt_value))

summary(agg_gen)  # mean = 719

joined_table <- joined_table %>% arrange(desc(pred3))

df_m_filt1 <- subset(df_m, deputy_name %in% filter(agg_gen, mean_rec>719)$deputy_name )
df_m_filt2 <- subset(df_m_filt1, deputy_name %in% filter(joined_table, pred3>0.5 )$dep)

lista<-distinct(select (df_m,receipt_description) )


df_m_filt2a <- subset(df_m_filt2, receipt_description %in%  filt1)
df_m_filt2b <- subset(df_m_filt2, receipt_description %in%  filt2)

35 politicans with the largest average expanse are marked, we should focus on those that have also abnormal sum or large count of recipts (latter are mark in red circle )


Follow the money!

Check where the expenses went for the top 20 ouliers-- (y - sum of recipts , x- counts)



pl1<- ggplot(df_m_filt2a, aes(x=count, y=sum, color=deputy_name ) ) + 
  geom_point(show.legend = T)  + 
  geom_text(aes(label = deputy_name), size= 3, , nudge_y = +1000)+
  facet_wrap(.~receipt_description, scales='free')
  #force_panelsizes(cols = c(15,15, 15,15, 1,1))

pl2<- ggplot(df_m_filt2b, aes(x=count, y=sum, color=deputy_name ) ) + 
  geom_point(show.legend = T)  + 
  geom_text(aes(label = deputy_name), size=3)+
  facet_wrap(.~receipt_description, scales='free')


Now it is a good question where to start looking, but as we can see right away some things do look suspicious, like:

  • Bezerra's Publication subscription expenses, and motor vehicle chartering expenses

  • Atilla lin's telephon bills

  • Jair bollsenaro's office suppliesand postal services bills

  • Augosto frias's software for postal services expenses

and so on..

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